BFC New Astro pitches and short term impacts on training and matches

27 Aug by Steven Rae

Hi Everyone

As you may be aware, BFC have converted the old astro stadium pitch into a new hybrid surface as per EFL regulations. This means that we (Youth Section) can no longer use it.

The main club are busy building new 11 aside and 7 aside pitches to the west of the existing back 11 aside pitch (over the other side of the woods). These are due to be finished by the start of October, but there has been some issues with the planning application for the floodlights. This has meant a delay in our original timeline. The club are looking at installing temporary mobile floodlights but we cannot guarantee this.

This presents us with a headache as we have lost pitch space for training and matches. In the short term we have had to re-jig our training schedule, this has meant some training sessions have moved venue and even day in some rare cases.

We would ask that you please bear with us during this transitional period.

For Sunday matches we now have a shortage of pitch space and so some games will have to be reversed where we cannot accommodate.

We apologise for any inconvenience that these changes may cause, unfortunately we are not in control of what the main club does in terms of planning applications etc. They are trying their best to ensure that the pitches are available for us to use as soon as possible.

I will provide an update in mid-late September on the plan for October.

Kind regards

Steve VC